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2024年国際女性デーにおける日本での “Inspiring Inclusion”


  1. 女性のインクルージョンの重要さを体験したエピソード
  2. 企業文化
  3. エンパワーメントとリーダーシップ
  4. グローバルな視点
  5. 日本における課題
  6. ワークライフバランス
  7. 国際女性デーへのメッセージ
  8. English translation(英訳)

本日は、2024年の国際女性デーに向けて、「インクルージョンの促進」をテーマに、EdulinXのコンテンツ開発部の立花なつきさんのインタビューを紹介します。国際女性デー(IWD)は、女性の社会的、経済的、文化的、政治的成果に対する世界的な敬意として位置づけられています。毎年、ジェンダー平等のためのアクションを喚起すると同時に、インクルージョンを促進するために必要な継続的な課題を提起してくれます。国際女性デー(IWD)のウェブサイトから発信される、「Inspiring Inclusion」のコンセプトは、この日だけでなく、これからの日々においても、多様性とエンパワーメントを祝うことを意味しています。






A: EdulinXは、グローバル基準に基づいたカルチャーが根付いている会社だと思います。そういった点からも、特に意図することなくジェンダー平等と女性エンパワーメントが成立しているように感じています。これはとても幸せなことだと思います。






A: 社会的地位における男女差別という点では恐らく日本はまだまだ後進国だと思いますが、世界には改善しようとする試みさえ自由にできない地域や宗教があります。最近はそういった女性たちが置かれているリアルな状況を映画やドキュメンタリーで知ることができるようになってきました。私はまだまだ世界の女性の立場について知らないことが多すぎるので、もっと知りたいと思っています。そういった世界に伝わるべき情報がきちんと共有される世界にこれからもっと変化していくことを望みます。



A: 女性のエンパワーメントの表舞台に出てくる人は、とても輝かしい経歴を持った、キャリアも家庭も成功しているような人が多いように思います。だから、女性のエンパワーメントというムーブメント自体が高嶺の花のように映ってしまって、自分には関係ないものとして取られてしまう所があるような気がしています。(このインタビューを打診されるまで私もそうでした)そうではなくて、仕事の内容や有無、年齢、地域に関わらずどんな女性もこのムーブメントの一部であって、特に強く意気込まなくても、高い意識を持たなくても、女性のエンパワーメントの一部としてできることがあるというメッセ―ジが広く伝わる事を願っています。



A: 今は小学生の子供が二人いるので、家族との協力体制をしっかり築いておくことが大切だと感じています。そして子供たちもその環境が当たり前になっているので、私が仕事に追われているときはそれを理解してくれますし、週末は一緒にいろいろなアクティビティをしています。時々、私ひとりだけの休日をとって息抜きもしています!



A: 女性が女性でよかったと思えますように!

現在の日本においてダイバーシティ&インクルージョンの実現はチャレンジングな課題かもしれません。そこでEdulinXでは、企業のD&Iへの取り組みを支援すべく、ダイバーシティ&インクルージョン研修を実施しております。ご興味がございましたら、 までお気軽にお問い合わせください。


English translation(英訳)

At EdulinX, we prioritize fostering a non-hierarchical, inclusive culture that emphasizes professional growth, safety, and well-being. Through promoting collaboration, positivity, and respect for all, we cultivate innovative thinking and embrace diversity. This commitment is reflected not only in our company culture, but also in the wide range of Diversity and Inclusion HR training workshops we provide to our clients. Our dedication extends to celebrating International Women's Day 2024, where we champion the theme of "Inspire Inclusion," underscoring the essential role of diversity and empowerment in achieving gender equality. We are dedicated to breaking down barriers, challenging stereotypes, and valuing the unique perspectives of women from all backgrounds.
Today, as part of our celebration, we are excited to share an enlightening interview with our very own Natsuki Tachibana from EdulinX’s Content Development Department, as we explore the theme of inspiring inclusion on International Women's Day 2024. International Women's Day (IWD) serves as a global tribute to women's social, economic, cultural, and political achievements. Each year, it stands as a poignant reminder of the strides made toward gender equality while highlighting the ongoing efforts needed to foster inclusivity. Originating from the International Women's Day (IWD) website, the concept of inspiring inclusion entails celebrating diversity and empowerment not only on this day but also in the days ahead.

Personal Journey and Inspiration

Q:Can you share a moment in your career that underlines the importance of inclusion for women?
What strategies or initiatives do you find effective in enhancing gender equality and women's inclusion in Japan?

A:Fortunately for me, I haven't experienced much gender inequality throughout my career. However, there was a moment when I truly understood the importance of women's inclusion. This occurred when I was pregnant with my first child and had to take maternity leave. At that time, my boss was a woman, and I was the first female employee to take maternity leave at the company. My boss went above and beyond to support me, creating a welcoming environment for all employees. I believe her actions stemmed from an understanding of the importance of company support, especially for women. After my child was born, she introduced several new guidelines to help mothers continue to work effectively. I am deeply grateful for her efforts.
To improve gender equality in Japan, it is crucial to address the persistent traditional stereotypes, particularly among certain generations in Japan. Changing these deep-rooted beliefs isn't easy, but taking small, kind steps toward this change can make a big difference. It's something many of us already know: the perspectives and successes of women have always been important and will continue to be so, now and in the future.

Company Culture

Q:Can you elaborate on how EdulinX champions gender equality and the empowerment of women in the office?
 A:I think EdulinX is a company whose culture is based on global standards. From such aspects, I feel that gender equality and women's empowerment are naturally achieved without any specific intention. I think this is a very fortunate thing.

Empowerment and Leadership

Q: ​​​​​​​In what ways can women empower one another in professional settings?
How crucial are diversity and inclusion workshops, as well as other educational efforts, to promote an inclusive culture in Japanese corporations?

 A: In professional settings, women can empower one another through the natural formation of supportive networks and unique communication styles that often occur among female colleagues. These networks foster an environment where women can share insights about their work, information on other projects, and personal experiences. This type of communication, sometimes seen as characteristic chattiness among women, is vital in today's era, emphasizing the importance of engaging in conversations and expressing the desire to communicate.
Although sensitivity to diversity has significantly improved, challenges remain, particularly in embracing cultural and international diversity due to language barriers. In this context, workshops and educational efforts to enhance English proficiency can be instrumental. These initiatives facilitate communication across different cultures and contribute to creating an inclusive culture within Japanese corporations. Encouraging a mindset that values diversity and inclusion through such educational efforts is crucial for promoting an inclusive environment where everyone, regardless of their background, feels valued and included.

Global Perspectives

Q: Considering the main idea of International Women's Day, how do you believe cultural and social interpretations of inclusion may vary among communities?
 A: In terms of gender discrimination in social status, Japan may still be considered a developing country, but there are regions and religions in the world where even attempts to improve are not freely possible. Recently, it has become possible to learn about the real situations of such women through movies and documentaries. I still have much to learn about the diverse statuses of women around the world, so I'm eager to gain more knowledge. I hope that our world will continue to change so that important information is openly and properly shared with everyone.

Challenges and Opportunities in Japan

Q: Looking ahead, what evolutions do you hope to see in empowering Japanese women?
What is your outlook on the advancing roles of women in leadership and management in Japan?

 A: The people who come to the forefront of women's empowerment often seem to have very impressive careers and successful lives, both in their careers and at home. This can make the women's empowerment movement seem like a lofty, out-of-reach goal, and unrelated to many of us. (I felt this way myself until I was approached for this interview.)
Instead, I hope the message spreads that any woman, regardless of her job, age, or location, can be part of this movement without needing to be overly enthusiastic or have a high level of awareness, because there's something everyone can do as part of women's empowerment.
As for the progress of women in Japan's business environment, I think it is incredibly slow, but I feel like it is gradually improving, little by little, with encouragement from the international community. It would be great if we could initiate change on our own, without needing to be pushed!

Work-Life Balance

Q: What is your approach to achieving work-life balance, and what tips can you offer to individuals trying to obtain it?
 A: I currently have two elementary school-aged children, so I feel it's important to establish a solid support system with my family. My kids are used to this environment and understand when I'm busy with work during the week, so we spend a lot of time doing various activities together on weekends. Sometimes, I take a day off just for myself to relax!
I believe that maintaining a good work-life balance heavily depends on the amount of work and responsibilities one has. So, if you feel overwhelmed, I think a good starting point is to have an honest discussion with your supervisor.

A Message for International Women's Day

Q: What message do you hope to impart to the world on International Women's Day?
A: May you feel glad to be a woman!

Achieving diversity and inclusion in Japan can be challenging, but EdulinX offers customizable Diversity and Inclusion Corporate Workshops to support your journey. Contact us at to start building a more inclusive company culture today.




